As is the case anywhere else, Amherst police often begin their investigations into motor vehicle accidents by questioning whether a driver involved was impaired at the time. If there is enough evidence to make police believe their suspicions are substantiated, then a driver could end up under arrest and facing DWI charges. Thereafter, police will conduct the remainder of their investigation into the crash, which could mean more charges for the alleged impaired driver.
For instance, a 33-year-old man was driving when his vehicle crashed. During the accident, the vehicle rolled and caused fatal injuries to a 38-year-old passenger. The other two passengers suffered serious injuries for which they were taken to a hospital in the area. When police arrived, they suspected the driver of intoxication and arrested him on that charge.
As the investigation progressed, the man faced additional charges as well. The next step in this case is for prosecutors to present the case to a grand jury. In the meantime, the driver involved retains certain rights, including the right to present a defense.
Even though there are still other steps to take, the man may begin working on his defense now. In fact, anyone facing DWI charges, or any other charges for that matter, has the right to do so. It is not necessary for an individual here in Amherst or elsewhere to wait until charges are officially filed or for a grand jury to issue an indictment to begin protecting his or her rights. Consulting with a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible could help achieve the best possible outcome under the circumstances.